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GM Misa Pap - How to beat the Sicilian Sveshnikov - Video 3: 7.Nd5 Nd5 8.ed5 Ne7 - Model Games

Opening: B33: Sicilian Sveshnikov

Player(s): Caruana, Carlsen, Vachier-Lagrave, Kramnik, Roganovic, Karjakin, Ter Sahakyan, Reimanis, Yakimova, Van Foreest, Alekseenko

As we already know, the Nd5 line and the Ne7 subline are not easy to break. That is why we have a second video about this, with some model games and more explanations. In video 2, we went over the theoretical part with relevant ideas on how to get some edge against this line. Here you will see some high-quality examples and top GMs who managed to find a way to crack this subvariation. Again, be careful because positions are complex. Even if you get an opening edge in the ensuing complicated fight, black might have solid chances to fight back, so you have to be precise.

Teacher's library (107) B33 Caruana Carlsen Vachier-Lagrave Kramnik Roganovic Karjakin Ter Sahakyan Reimanis Yakimova Van Foreest Alekseenko opening

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