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GM Misa Pap - How to beat the Sicilian Sveshnikov - Video 2: 7.Nd5 Nd5 8.ed5 Ne7

Opening: B33: Sicilian Sveshnikov


After beating the sidelines, we will see several ideas on how to combat the main Sveshnikov lines. GM Misa starts by presenting the Nd5 variation against the Sveshnikov. That is quite an exciting approach. This line was always there, but in our modern times, we can develop some new ideas. Top grandmasters used this line to beat the Sveshnikov in the last few years. This variation gives you complex play and a lot of chances to outplay your opponent. In videos 2 and 3, GM Misa presents the line 7.Nd5 Nd5 8.ed5 Ne7. In video 2, our GM shows theoretical lines, explains what you should do, and gives some fresh ideas. In video 3, Misa presents model games. And then, in later videos, GM Misa deals with 7.Nd5 Nd5 8.ed5 Nb8. Very often, in this Nd5 variation, white tries to push on the Queenside and exploit his pawn majority there. With some skillful piece play, white can cause many problems to black even very early in the game if black is not careful.

Teacher's library (107) B33 opening

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