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GM Misa Pap - How to beat the Sicilian Sveshnikov - Video 10: 11.g3

Opening: B33: Sicilian Sveshnikov

Player(s): Ivanchuk, Van Wely, Volokitin, Ersahin, Areshchenko, Stopa, Motylev, Grachev, Berg, Dragicevic, Sax, Hardicsay, Zhang, Zhao

In this video, GM Misa presents an exciting line with early g3, when white doesn't take exf5 but plays Bg2 and then Be4. You can use it when you want to sidestep the main theory and try to fight for an advantage in a bit different, non-standard way. One of the main ideas is to obtain control on the light squares with the strategical idea of a strong Nd5 against a not so active Bg7. Of course, the advantage is not given, so not guaranteed, but it could be interesting to learn this subvariation and use it sometimes, to your own benefit.

Teacher's library (107) B33 Ivanchuk Van Wely Volokitin Ersahin Areshchenko Stopa Motylev Grachev Berg Dragicevic Sax Hardicsay Zhang Zhao opening

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