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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Minor Pieces Endings - Knight vs. Bishop - Part 4

Opening: :

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Ehlvest, Nakamura

Common wisdom says knights are better than bishop when the action is restricted to a small area of the board. Add a compromised pawn structure for the defender, and an extra pawn for the attacker to boot, and how can this not be a win? Those were the thoughts that went through my mind as I was watching Caruana-Hou Yifan from the Grenke Classic, 2018. Yet, the deeper I looked the less confident I became in Hou's winning chances. The mystery of this endgame is revealed in a new four-video series presented to your attention. 
The author himself at times found himself baffled by the difficulty of playing such endgames correctly, as witnessed in Video #4.

Teacher's library (718) Yermolinsky Ehlvest Nakamura endgame

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