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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Knight endgames - Part 1

Opening: :

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Serper, Lein

Knight endgames are notoriously difficult to play because of lack of established guidelines. The system that can become your new weapon against all things Kings Indian. This line being devoid of long lines to memorize makes it an ideal playground to focus on patterns and ideas as shown in Alex's own games. GM Alex Yermolinsky revisits some examples of his best/worst handling, while trying to find some common patterns of play. How to position your king in relation to the opponent's knight? How to set up Zugzwang? Watch this video series to find some answers! 

Teacher's library (718) Yermolinsky Serper Lein endgame

This is a 5 minute preview.

Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Knight endgames - Part 1

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