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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: KID by method #4

Opening: : King's Indian Defense

Player(s): Atalik, Yermolinsky

Former World Champion and legendary chess teacher Mikhail Botvinnik was the originator of the “Every Russian school boy knows” chess aphorism, which alluded to the fact that thousands of unknown schoolboys back in Russia - due to the intense training methods they received from a young age - likely knew more about the game than most professionals did in the West. One player who came through that legendary Soviet training camp is former U.S. Champion GM Alexander Yermolinsky.  And each Sunday in his new hit show, “Every Russian Schoolboy Knows”, Alex will explain and expand on all the top tips and tricks gleaned from those famed training methods.

Our GM Alex "Yermo" Yermolinsky decided to abandon for a month the part of the game that originated the title of his show: the ending, moving on to illustrate a very popular opening: the King's Indian Defense. This will be a different approach, where GM Alex uses brilliant games (some of his own too) to show what is the method to approach this so-popular opening. Don't miss this interesting and formative series brought to you by GM Alex Yermolinsky!

Teacher's library (718) Atalik Yermolinsky endgame

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