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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Build you opening repertoire - Part 10

Opening: B12: Caro-Kann


One  safer way of expanding your opening repertoire is to look for openings with similar structures. If you already have the French, then adding the Carto-Kann is a perfect idea. However, even a slight change can produce deviations from familiar patterns of play. Take Advance Caro vs. Advance French. In both cases, White puts his pawn to e5 on Move 3, but while in the French Black's light-squared bishop is locked up behind the pawn chain, in the Caro it can come out to f5. The problem with the latter is obvious: Black is late attacking the white center with c7-c6. It comes a tempo or two short, giving White the time to prepare counter-action in the center. Often Black comes to regret the absence of his "bad bishop" from the Queenside. This series of videos is investigating an immediate reply 3...c3 in the Advance Caro.

Teacher's library (718) B12 opening

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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Build you opening repertoire - Part 10

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