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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Build you opening repertoire - Part 3

Opening: B67: Sicilian Defence: Richter-Rauzer - Rauzer Attack


Video # 3, Part 1. First Experiences. When is the time to take your new opening to a tournament hall? In my case with that line of the Richter-Rauser it happened pretty soon, about a month into my studies. My first experienceswere a mixed bag. In in my second game I badly butchered the move order and lost a pawn and the game, but already my third game turned out one of the most memorable in my entire career as I faced the young Garry Kasparov.Part 1 of this video deals with White's major alternative to creating the pawn structure I was aiming for. The type of play is quite characteristic of usual Sicilians, so I didn't feel totally out of place handling it. Harder tests still lied ahead.

Teacher's library (718) B67 opening

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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Build you opening repertoire - Part 3

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