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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: An instructive Game

Opening: A61: Benoni defense

Player(s): Atalik, Milanko

Former World Champion and legendary chess teacher Mikhail Botvinnik was the originator of the “Every Russian school boy knows” chess aphorism, which alluded to the fact that thousands of unknown schoolboys back in Russia - due to the intense training methods they received from a young age - likely knew more about the game than most professionals did in the West. One player who came through that legendary Soviet training camp is former U.S. Champion GM Alexander Yermolinsky.  And each Sunday in his new hit show, “Every Russian Schoolboy Knows”, Alex will explain and expand on all the top tips and tricks gleaned from those famed training methods.

This month our GM Yermolinsky will be covering different subjects ranging from the sad to angry to hopeful. He starts with a segment on the late Elena Akhmiloskaya who passed away a few weeks ago after a long battle with cancer. Elena was a personal friend of Alex for 40 years, and he's also close to her husband IM Georgi Orlov. Next comes reports on the ongoing 2nd FIDE Grand Prix tournament in Tashkent, with some detailed endgame analysis. By the second week in December GM Alex will be traveling to some chess tournaments. Wish him luck, as he promises to share interesting games with us!

Teacher's library (718) A61 Atalik Milanko endgame

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