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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: A great quasi-comeback

Opening: A05: Reti Opening

Player(s): Svidler, Karjakin

The Candidates' has offered us up-n-down chess, with some games characterized by bad moves and some games played at the highest level. Alex Yermolinsky gets back to the most important chess event of this year so far, analyzing in deep details some of the most interesting games.

 The second half of the Candidates tournament in Khanty saw an incredible turnaround. "Surging" Sergey Karjakin came back from -2 to provide the only challenge to the eventual winner Vishy Anand. In this episode GM Yermolinsky looks into Karjakin's comeback to uncover its secrets and incidentally finds out why it came short. 

Teacher's library (718) A05 Svidler Karjakin game analysis

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