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Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 13 - Tandem 1 (R+B vs. R+N)

Opening: C67, B47, C42, B32: Ruy Lopez: Berlin Defence - Open variation, Sicilian: Taimanov, Petrov, Sicilian defence: 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4

Player(s): Vachier-Lagrave, Sargissian, Fischer, Taimanov, Svidler, Gashimov, Grujic, Pap

In this video, GM Misa shows how to use the advantage of the Rook+Bishop tandem, but also, be careful: R+N can be better as well, in some positions. Usually, it all depends on which side has a better pawn structure. We all know that Bishops like open space, play on both wings, etc. And Knights like blocked positions, or at least some fixed pawn structure. Also, Knights like to have a nice outpost, protected by a pawn(s). Furthermore, a Knight is not good when we need to play on both sides. All these factors will determine which light piece is better, and then almost always that tandem is also better. We can't claim that R+B is better than R+N, but it seems that this tandem - rook and bishop - is a bit more preferable. A good example is the stunning Fischer technique in his game against Taimanov. So, if you have rook and Knight and you defend, be careful when moving your pawns!

Teacher's library (107) C67 B47 C42 B32 Vachier-Lagrave Sargissian Fischer Taimanov Svidler Gashimov Grujic Pap game analysis

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