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Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 11 - Play on the Light Squares!

Opening: B22, A35: Sicilian: Alapin, English: symmetrical variation

Player(s): Can, Nikolov, Benninger, Pap, Stajcic, Tokranovs, Jansa, Miranda Gonzalez, Tazbir

We have already seen play on the dark squares in the previous video and how powerful it can be. While some positions and ideas are similar, things are different when playing on the light squares, as we use other pieces and different strategic ideas. Usually, you would like to have the light squares bishop or some blockade and control on those squares, but of course again, without light-squared Bishop for your opponent. 
  In this video, we will see more examples, with blockading Knight and domination. I hope you will find it useful and use at least some of these ideas in your own games.

Teacher's library (107) B22 A35 Can Nikolov Benninger Pap Stajcic Tokranovs Jansa Miranda Gonzalez Tazbir game analysis

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