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Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 10 - Play on the Dark Squares!

Opening: C02, B22, E87: French: advance variation, Sicilian: Alapin, King's Indian: Saemisch,

Player(s): Pap, Kovacevic, Roganovic, Ljubicic, Kotov, Gligoric

OK, here we have something more straightforward. Well, at least in theory. It sounds clear enough. What is not to know? You just seize dark squares and then play on them and win, right? Easy. But - there always is a but - sometimes it is not so easy. And the point is, how to spot an idea and overtake those squares? Because when we arrive at a dominating position, then it is already quite clear what is going on. Sometimes, you can even sacrifice material for such domination, for it could be so effective! So, we all have an idea, we know what it means, but it is also essential to know and learn some techniques on how to go for it, and how to obtain that dark squares play and domination. There are many examples on this topic and GM Misa, in this tenth installment of his course, shows us some instructive ones.

Teacher's library (107) C02 B22 E87 Pap Kovacevic Roganovic Ljubicic Kotov Gligoric game analysis

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