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Bilbao Masters 2016 - Round 8 Video Recap

Opening: C50: Giuoco Piano

Player(s): So, Giri

GM Ronen Har-Zvi recaps Round 8. In their last game until the World Championship Match, to be held in November, Carlsen and Karjakin didn't make their fans very happy today. Game drawn in 19 moves. There's not much to say about the game, if not that probably Carlsen is happy with what he's got until now in Bilbao and, with two rounds to go, he's probably sure about who will win the event. And Karjakin is most likely hiding everything he's preparing for the big match. For sure, from what we saw in Bilbao, Karjakin doesn't seem to be anything that can cause any worry to the World Champion. But a match is always a story by itself, and we will see. Wei Yi is having a fantastic tournament. He is playing good chess, and neither his young age nor his lower rating is keeping him from playing at the same level of the "monsters" he's facing in the tournament. We all hope he will get more and more invitations, as he's the future of the game. And now, let's talk about poor Giri. He's having a horrible tournament. It looks like he just can't get himself together and play a single notable game. Today he lost to Wesley So in a dramatic game, which our GM Ronen Har-Zvi analyzes for us in the recap video. With today's win, Wesley reaches Wei in third, after Nakamura in second and Carlsen comfortably leading the pack. Giri lingers sadly in last, with 6 points out of 24. Tomorrow the penultimate round starts - as usual - at 10am EDT -- 16:00 CEDT. Pairings: Wei-So, Nakamura-Karjakin, Carlsen-Giri.

Teacher's library (601) C50 So Giri recap

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Bilbao Masters 2016 - Round 8 Video Recap

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