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Attack with LarryC: Alekseev Fireworks

Opening: B51: Sicilian: Moscow variation

Player(s): Aleskeev, Krush

In this video, our resident tactician GM Larry Christiansen shows us a very nice combo as a starter. It is taken from a Bullet(!) game played in ICC. At the beginning of the video, stop it, and try to resolve the puzzle. You also have the game in pgn, but don't check it with your chess engine! After the comb, Larry moves on with the main course, a fantastic game played between the strong GM Alekseev and the multi-US-Champion Irina Krush. Larry calls this game a "soon to become a classic", and you can believe him. At the end of the show, Larry tells us: Don't take tainted pawns! 

Teacher's library (515) B51 Aleskeev Krush game analysis

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