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Attack with LarryC: A Frank Discussion and Igory Finale

Opening: A15, D31: English, QGD

Player(s): Ivanov, Kudrin, Marshall, Napier

It's again about Attacking the Castle, with two fine examples of how passive defense leads to disaster. In today's episode of "Attack with LarryC!", GM Christiansen shows us a first combination from the renown attacking player Frank Marshall, an iconic player whose name is well known to every chess fan. Then, as the main course, Larry moves on to show us a fantastic game played by the late Igor Ivanon, famous for his antics and for being the king of the Swiss tournaments in the US and Canada;

a very fine positional player, with also a keen and tactical eye, Ivanov would play in a tournament with a $50 prize as well as in one with $50,000 prize, always with the same intensity and passion. In this game, Ivanov demonstrates how pointing all your forces towards the enemy king leads to victory, especially when the defender plays passive moves.

Teacher's library (515) A15 D31 Ivanov Kudrin Marshall Napier game analysis

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