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Alterman’s Gambit Guide - Noteboom Variation Semi-Slav Defense - Part 3

Opening: D31: Queen's Gambit Declined - semi-Slav - Noteboom variation


Dutch player Daniel Noteboom (1910-1932) is one of the unsung rising stars of the early 1930s. He gained notoriety with an impressive debut at the 1930 Chess Olympiad, scoring 11.5/15. But after playing at Hastings 1931/32, he tragically died of pneumonia in London. Aged only 21, it was a brief but tragic end to what looked a promising career. His trademark was to play aggressively, and he left his legacy to the game with a wild and complex variation (with many gambit lines) in the Semi-Slav Defense: 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 c6 4 Nf3 dxc4 5 a4 Bb4 6 e3 b5 8 axb5 Bxc3 9 Bxc3 cxb5 10 b3 Bb7 - commonly known as the Noteboom Variation, that still packs a lethal punch for an unsuspecting opponent.

Teacher's library (327) D31 opening

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