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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - QGA - Vd 2

Opening: D27: QGA; Classical Variation

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Xu, Jones, Bonin

The QGA never got the recognition it deserves because of the lack of exposure in high-profile chess events, such as World Championship matches. Yet, we can recall occasional; games where the greatest players employed it. Fischer played it no less than four times in his return match with Spassky in 1992, Anand employed it regularly, and we can find a bunch of Kramnik-Kasparov games as well. Yet, in the first half of my chess career, when I lived in the USSR, I didn't get to play against the QGA that often. I didn't really have a set line and experimented a lot, including some Nc3 gambit lines. It all had to change in the early 1990s when I returned to the life of a regular tournament player, now representing the USA. I begin with two games from the 1992 US Championship in Durango, CO, where I tried a new approach in the mainline by pulling my bishop back to b3. This idea wasn't well known yet... You can download the games in PGN format HERE.

Teacher's library (718) D27 Yermolinsky Xu Jones Bonin opening

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