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Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Rook Endings at the WWCC - Part 1

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Yermo's back!
After a few months, GM Alex Yermolinsky is back on ICC with his acclaimed show "Every Russian Schoolboy Knows". We all know that this immortal sentence was uttered by the great Mikhail Botvinnik, while commentating on a rook endgame. And Alex Yermolinsky is going to start again form the basics with his amazing weekly show. By screening through games played in  recent important events, Alex is going to guide us through the subtleties of endgames, with his unmistakable and unique style. The recently concluded Women Chess World Championship in Sochi, Russia, gave Yermo a lot of material to study, as like he says: "these girls play amazingly well, all of them know their openings, but what about the endings? I have seen matches finish for a mishandled rook endings." So, it's rook endings again, to give all of us a chance to learn how to handle this very common ending which, will the infinite possibilities that it brings over the board, is the most fascinating - and arguably the easiest to be handled wrongly - of all endings. 

Teacher's library (718) endgame

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