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Improve Your Chess: Hope Chess, Hand-Waving, and Acquiescing
Game Of the Week: GM Shvedchikov vs. GM Kupreichik
Shvedchikov, Kupreichik
A04 Reti Opening
Ronen through Chess history: Russia vs. World 2002
Polgar, Kasparov, Akopian, Shirov, Svidler
B80, B30, C67 Sicilian: Scheveningen, Sicilian Defense, Ruy Lopez: Berlin Defense
London chess Classic 2013 - Round 5 GOTD
Gedland, Adams, Kramnik, Nakamura
D37, D35, D97 QGD, Grunfeld
London chess Classic 2013 - Round 4 GOTD
Anand, Kramnik, Caruana, Gelfand, Adams, Svidler, Short, Nakamura
D40, E46, B40, B25 QGD: Semi-Tarrasch defense, Nimzo-Indian: Simagin variation, Sicilian, Sicilian: closed
London chess Classic 2013 - Round 3 GOTD
Polgar, Jones, Sutovsky, Howell, Gelfand, Caruana
B78, A14, C67, B52 Sicilian: dragon Yugoslav attack, English, Ruy Lopez Berlin Defense, Sicilian
London chess Classic 2013 - Round 2 GOTD
Nakamura, Gelfand, Anand, McShane
A01, A07 Nimzovich-Larsen attack: Indian variation, Reti: King's Indian attack
London chess Classic 2013 - Round 1 GOTD
McShane, Anand, Caruana, Sutovsky, Istratescu, Polgar, Nakamura
B10, A48, C07, C70 Caro-Kann: two knights 3...Bg4, King's Indian: London system, French: Tarrasch open variation, Ruy Lopez: Cozio defense deferred
Ronen through Chess history: USSR vs. World 1984
Beliavsky, Larsen, Seirawan
B19, D24 Caro-Kann, Queen's Gambit Accepted, Bogolyubov variation
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Next Generation #2
Nakamura, Kramnik, Li, Meier
E32, A05 Nimzo-Indian: classical variation, English Opening
Improve Your Chess: One Big Mistake
A36 English: ultra-symmetrical variation
Game Of the Week: GM Vallejo Pons vs. GM Grabarczyk
Vallejo Pons, Grabarczyk
D53 Queen's Gambit Declined
Ronen through Chess history: USSr vs. World 1970 - part 2
Fischer, Petrosian, Portisch, Kortschnoj, Spassky, Larsen
B13, A33, E12 Caro-Kann, English Opening, Queen's Indian
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Next Generation #1
Kamsky, Korobov, Ding Liren
D00, E62 Queen's pawn, Mason variation, King's Indian: fianchetto with ...Nc6
Game Of the Week: GM Jobava vs. GM Mamedyarov
Jovaba, Mamedyarov
C29 Vienna Gambit
Ronen through Chess history: USSr vs. World 1970 - part 1
Larsen, Spassky
A01 Larsen's Opening
Improve Your Chess: Tactical R&P Endgame
B08 Pirc: classical (two knights) system
World Championship Match - Game 10
Carlsen, Anand
B51 Sicilian: Moscow attack
World Championship Match - Game 9
Anand, Carlsen
E25 Nimzo-Indian: Samisch variation
World Championship Match - Game 8
Carlsen, Anand
C67 Ruy Lopez: Berlin defense
Ronen through Chess history: Titans in Linares
Karpov, Kasparov
E86 King's Indian, Samisch variation
World Championship Match - Game 7
Anand, Carlsen
C65 Ruy Lopez: Berlin defense
Improve Your Chess: Galaxy Quest
JohLeb, chuckh2
D20 Queen's Gambit Accepted, 3.e4 variation
World Championship Match - Game 5 GOTD
Carlsen, Anand
D31 QGD: semi-Slav, Marshall gambit
Game Of the Week: GM Solak vs. GM Grischuk
Solak, Grischuk
B30 Sicilian: Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (without ...d6)
World Championship Match - Game 4 GOTD
Anand, Carlsen
C67 Ruy Lopez: Berlin Defense
World Championship Match - Game 3 GOTD
Carlsen, Anand
A07 Reti
Ronen through Chess history: Into the Labyrinth
Nezhmetdinov, Chernikov
B35 Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto, Modern Variation with Bc4
World Championship Match - Game 2 GOTD
Anand, Carlsen
B19 Caro-Kann
Improve Your Chess: Alekhine-Rubinstein 1921
Alekhine, Rubinstein
D02 Queen's pawn game
World Championship Match - Game 1 GOTD
Carlsen, Anand
A07 Reti
Game Of the Week: GM shankland vs. GM Ftacnik
Shankland, Ftacnik
D70 Neo-Gruenfeld defence
Ronen through Chess history: Hunt to White King
Polugaevsky, Nezhmetdinov
A53 Old Indian Defense
Improve Your Chess: Unbalanced Game - Possible Upset
C44 Scotch: Göring gambit
Game Of the Week: GM Morozevich vs. GM Laznicka
Morozevich, Laznicka
A00 Benko
Halloween Special with GM ronen Har-Zvi!
Radjabov, Carlsen, Aronian, Kramnik, Tomashevsky, So, Nakamura, Wang Hao, Anand, Andreikin, Ivanchuk, Dominguez, Mamedyarov
Ronen through Chess history: World Cup 2007: Carlsen - Adams and Kamsky - Carlsen
Carlsen, Adams, Kamsky
E36, C43 Nimzo-Indian, Petrov
Improve Your Chess: Exposing King OK but Later Mistakes Fatal
B01 Scandinavian Defence
Game Of the Week: GM Matlakov vs. GM Eljanov
Matlakov, Eljanov
E35 Nimzo-Indian: Classical: 4…d5 5.cxd5 exd5
Ronen through Chess history: Candidates 2007: Aronian vs. Carlsen - Part 3
Carlsen, Aronian
A62, E12, A32, E29 Modern Benoni: Fianchetto Variation without early Nbd7, Queen's Indian: Unusual 4th moves, Symmetrical English: 2 Nf3 Nf6, Nimzo-Indian: Sämisch: 5… 0-0 6.e3 c5, Queen's Fianchetto Defence (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 b6)
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Botvinnik… Kramnik, who’s next? - Part 3
Nepomniachtchi, Andreikin, Inarkiev, Kramnik
Improve Your Chess: A Fighting Sveshnikov
B33 Sicilian: Pelikan and Sveshikov Variations
Game Of the Week: GM Nisipeanu vs. GM Caruana
Nisipeanu, Caruana
D90 Grünfeld: 4Nf3 Bg7 sidelines
Ronen through Chess history: Candidates 2007: Aronian vs. Carlsen - Part 2
Aronian, Carlsen
A62, E12, A32, E29 Modern Benoni: Fianchetto Variation without early Nbd7, Queen's Indian: Unusual 4th moves, Symmetrical English: 2 Nf3 Nf6, Nimzo-Indian: Sämisch: 5… 0-0 6.e3 c5, Queen's Fianchetto Defence (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 b6)
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Botvinnik… Kramnik, who’s next? - Part 2
Andreikin, Karjakin, Svidler, Nepomniachtchi, Shomoev
E12 Queen's Indian: Unusual White 4th moves
Improve Your Chess: Tabiya 16 - Caro Kann, Classical Variation
Game Of the Week: GM Andreikin vs. GM Karjakin
Andreikin, Karjakin
A46 Queen's pawn: Torre attack
Ronen through Chess history: Candidates 2007: Aronian vs. Carlsen - Part 1
Carlsen, Aronian
C84, A30 Closed Ruy Lopez: Unusual 6th moves, Symmetrical English: Double Fianchetto and Hedgehog
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Botvinnik… Kramnik, who’s next? - Part 1
Kramnik, Shomoev, Vitiugov, Goganov
Improve Your Chess: Was the Loss Inevitable?
D00 1.d4 d5: Unusual lines
Game Of the Week: IM Eliseev vs. GM Yu Yangyi
Eliseev, Yu Yangyi
B48 Sicilian: Taimanov: 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Be3 a6 without Be2
Ronen through Chess history: PCA 1995: Anand vs. Kasparov Part 4
Anand, Kasparov
B77, B01 Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack, 9.Bc4 sidelines, Scandinavian defence
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Tromso Heroes - Part 5
Korobov, Kramnik, Vachier-Lagrave, Kramnik, Andreikin
E30, C45, D58 Nimzo-Indian: Leningrad Variation, Scotch Game, QGD: Tartakower Defence
Improve Your Chess: Dan vs Computer #5 Verbalized Slow Game #2
PhillyTutor, BethO
A30 Symmetrical English: Double Fianchetto and Hedgehog
Game Of the Week: GM Libiszewski vs. GM Edouard
Libiszewski, Edouard
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf: Unusual White 6th moves, 6 Be3 Ng4 and Be3 e5
Ronen through Chess history: PCA 1995: Anand vs. Kasparov Part 3
Anand, Kasparov
B78, C78 Sicilian Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 9Bc4 Bd7 10.0-0-0 Rc8, Ruy Loe: Archangelsk and Möller Defences
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Tromso Heroes - Part 4
Andreikin, Karjakin, Dreev, Tomashevsky
C00, A46, D15 French: Unusual White 2nd move, 1D4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6: Torre, London and Colle Systems, Slav Defence: 4Nc3 a6 and gambit lines after 4…dxc4
Improve Your Chess: Dan vs Computer #5 Verbalized Slow Game
PhillyTutor, BethO
A30 Symmetrical English: Double Fianchetto and Hedgehog
Game Of the Week: GM Nepomniachtchi vs. GM Moiseenko
Nepomniachtchi, Moiseenko
B31 Sicilian: 2…Nc6 3 Bb5 g6
Ronen through Chess history: PCA 1995: Anand vs. Kasparov Part 2
Anand, Kasparov
C80 Open Ruy Lopez: Sidelines and 9Nbd2
Sinquefield Cup Round 6
Nakamura, Kamsky,Aronian, Carlsen
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Tromso Heroes - Part 3
Kamsky, Mamedyarov, Nakamura, Korobov, Svidler, LeQuangLiem
B47, B92, D10 Sicilian: Taimanov (Bastrikov) variation, Sicilian: Najdorf, Opocensky variation, QGD Slav defense
Sinquefield Cup Round 5
Nakamura, Kamsky,Aronian, Carlsen
Sinquefield Cup Round 4
Nakamura, Kamsky,Aronian, Carlsen
E71, C69 King's Indian: Makagonov system (5.h3), Ruy Lopez: exchange, Gligoric variation
Game Of the Week: IM Espinosa Aranda vs. GM Salgado Lopez
Espinoza Aranda, Salgado Lopez
B43 Sicilian: Kan Variation: 5 Nc3
Sinquefield Cup Round 3
Nakamura, Kamsky,Aronian, Carlsen
E62, D02 King's Indian: fianchetto with ...Nc6, Queen's pawn game, Darooha variation
Sinquefield Cup Round 2
Nakamura, Kamsky,Aronian, Carlsen
B43, A80 Sicilian: Kan, 5.Nc3, Dutch
Sinquefield Cup Round 1
Carlsen, Kamsky
D15 QGD Slav: 4.Nc3
Ronen through Chess history: PCA 1995: Anand vs. Kasparov Part 1
Anand, Kasparov
B85, B85 Sicilian Scheveningen: 6 Be2 a6, lines with or without early Be3
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Tromso Heroes - Part 2
Giri, Granda Zuniga, Caruana, Malakhov
Game Of the Week: GM Viktor Bologan vs. GM Ian Nepomniachtchi
Bologan, Nepomniachtchi
E60 King's Indian: Unusual lines and Fianchetto Variation without Nc3
World Cup 2013 - Finals Game 4
Andreikin, Kramnik
A36 English: ultra-symmetrical variation
Ronen through Chess history: Rapid wonder
Anand, Kramnik
C88 Closed Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Systems
World Cup 2013 - Finals Game 3
Andreikin, Kramnik
D15 QGD semi-Slav: accelerated Meran (Alekhine variation)
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Tromso Heroes - Part 1
Fressinet, Christiansen, Nepomniachtchi, Wei Hi, Kaidanov, Areshchenko, Granda Zuniga, Leko, Wang Hao, Dreev
World Cup 2013 - Finals Game 2
Andreikin, Kramnik
D37 QGD: classical variation (5.Bf4)
World Cup 2013 - Finals Game 1
Andreikin, Kramnik
D58 QGD: Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) system
Game Of the Week: GM Evgeny Tomashevsky vs. GM Levon Aronian
Thomashevsky, Aronian
E10 Blumenfeld Gambit
Ronen through Chess history: Garry’s masterpiece
Kasparov, Topalov
B07 Pirc Defence: Miscellaneous Systems
Game Of the Week: GM Nikita Vitiugov vs. GM Markus Ragger
Vitiugov, Ragger, Vachier, Caruana, Kramnik, Korobov
A48, D16, D85 King's Indian: Torre attack, QGD Slav: Soultanbéieff variation, Grünfeld: modern exchange variation
Ronen through Chess history: The Game of the Century
Byrne, Fischer
D97 Grünfeld: Russian System: 7e4 replies other than 7… Bg4
Game Of the Week: GM Ray Robson vs. GM Andrei Volokitin
Robson, Volokitin
C42 Petrov
Ronen through Chess history: A decade of rivarly - Part 3
Karpov, Korchnoi
A46, E17 1d4 Nf6 2Nf3 e6: Torre, London and Colle Systems, Queen's Indian: 4g3 Bb7 5Bg2 Be7
Game Of the Week: GM Alexander Moiseenko vs. GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Moiseenko, Vachier-Lagrave
D85 Exchange Grünfeld: Unusual White 7th moves and lines with 7Nf3
Ronen through Chess history: A decade of rivarly - Part 2
Karpov, Korchnoi
E17, C09, E04, C09 Queen's Indian: 4g3 Bb7 5Bg2 Be7, French Tarrasch: 3…c5 4exd5 exd5 5Ngf3 Nc6, Open Catalan: 5Nf3,
Game Of the Week: GM Ray Robson vs. GM Lu Shanglei
Robson, Shanglei
B96 Sicilian Najdorf: 6Bg5 e6 7f4 lines other than 7…Qb6 and 7…Be7
Ronen through Chess history: A decade of rivarly - Part 1
Karpov, Korchnoi
B78, C42 Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack, 9Bc4 sideline , Petroff Defence: 3Nxe5
Game Of the Week: GM Victor Mikhalevski vs. GM Parimarjan Negi
Mikhalevski, Negi
A37 Symmetrical English vs …g6: 4Bg2 Bg7 5Nf3
Ronen through Chess history: Botvinnik vs. Bronstein - Part 3
Bronstein, Botvinnik
E69, A91, D71, D44 Kings Indian: Ftianchetto: 6… Nbd7, Classical Dutch: E4arly Deviations, Fianchuetto Grünfeld: 3g3d5, Semi-Slav: Botvinnik System
Game Of the Week: Gm Ni Hua vs. GM Eduardo Iturrizaga
Ni Hua, Iturrizaga
B40 Sicilian,
Attack with LarryC: Spassky’s shows Kan-do Spirit
Spassky, Capelan
B42 Sicilian: Kan Variation: 5Bd3
Ronen through Chess history: Botvinnik vs. Bronstein - Part 2
Bronstein, Botvinnik
E43, B63, A94 Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein: 4..b6, Sicilian:Richter-Rauzer: 7..Be7 and unusual 7th moves, Classical Dutch: Classical Stonewall: 7 b3 c6 8 Ba3
Game Of the Week: GM Dimitri Reinderman vs. GM Wouter Spoelman
Reinderman, Spoelman
B51 Sicilian: Moscow Variation (3Bb5+) Without 3…Bd7
Ronen through Chess history: Botvinnik vs. Bronstein - Part 1
Bronstein, Botvinnik
E43, B63, A94 Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein: 4..b6, Sicilian:Richter-Rauzer: 7..Be7 and unusual 7th moves, Classical Dutch: Classical Stonewall: 7 b3 c6 8 Ba3
Game Of the Week: GM Ruslam Ponomariov vs. GM Pavel Eljanov
Ponomariov, Eljanov
C91 Closed Ruy-Lopez: 7…d6 8 c3 0-0 9 d4
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 4
Spassky, Fischer
D37, B99, B46 QGD: 5Bf4, SicilianNajdorf: 6Bg5 e6 7f4 Be7, Sicilian: Taimanov: Nc3 a6
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Back from Chicago #5
Kavutskiy, Atalik
E60 King's Indian: Unusual lines and Fianchetto Variation without Nc3
Game Of the Week: GM Alexander Areshchenko vs. GM Anatoly Karpov
Areshchenko, Karpov
B01 Scandinavian Defense
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 3
Spassky, Fischer
C95, B97, B04 Closed Ruy Lopez: Breyer Variation with 10 d4, Sicilian Najdorf: poisoned pawn, Alekhine's defence: 4Nf3
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 9
Nakamura, Morozevich
E10 QGD: Vienna variation
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Back from Chicago #4
Mikhalevski, Yermolinski
A13 English opening: 1…e6
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 8
Carlsen, Nakamura
A13 English opening
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 7
Nakamura, Gelfand
B33 Sicilian: Sveshnikov variation
Game Of the Week: GM Tornike Sanikidze vs. GM Konstantin Landa
Sanikidze, Landa
D37 QGD: 5 Bf4
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 6
Anand, Nakamura
C60 Ruy Lopez: fianchetto (Smyslov/Barnes) defense
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 5
Carlsen, Anand
E46 Nimzo-Indian: Reshevsky variation
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 4
Caruana, Nakamura
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 2
Spassky, Fischer
D59, A39, C95 QGD: Tartakower Defense: Main Line (8 cxd5 Nxd5), Symmetrical English vs …g6: 4 Bg2 Bg7 5 Nf3 Nf6 6 O-O-O O-O 7 d4, Closed Ruy Lopez: Breyer Variation with 10 d4
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Back from Chicago #3
Corrales, Yermolinsky
B53 Sicilian: 2…d6: Lines with Qxd4
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 3
Carlsen, Caruana
A05 Réti: King's Indian attack, Yugoslav variation
Improve Your Chess: Clever Defense and Good Technique
B40 Sicilian: 2… e6, Unusual line
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 2
Caruana, Gelfand
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf
Game Of the Week: GM Manuel Leon Hoyos vs. GM Ray Robson - US National Open 2013
Hoyos, Robson
A10 English opening: Unusual replies for Black
Tal Memorial 2013 - Round 1
Nakamura, Mamedyarov
D38 QGD: Ragozin variation
Attack with LarryC: Larry on the European Individual Championship - Part 4
Guseinov, Perunovic, Jobava, Svetuch
B32, A01 Sicilian: Löwenthal and Kalaschnikov variation, Nimzowitsch-Larsen opening
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 1
Spassky, Fischer
E56, A00, A77, E41
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Back from Chicago #2
Yermolinsky, Kleinman
D90 Grünfeld: Three knights variation
Improve Your Chess: Endgame Advantage Fades to Loss
E06 Closed Catalan: Early Deviations
Game Of the Week: GM Gata Kamsky vs. GM Alexander Grischuk - European Champ. 2013
Kamsky, Grischuk
A48 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6: Torre, London and Colle Systems
Attack with LarryC: Larry on the European Individual Championship - Part 3
Kjartansson, Fedorchuk
A37 English Symmetrical vs… g6: 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.Bf3
Ronen through Chess history: The Great Struggle - Part 3
Ivanchuk, Kramnik, Carlsen, Svidler
B08, C84 Pirc: classical system, 5.Be2, Ruy Lopez: closed defense
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Back from Chicago #1
Yermolinsky, Rosen
E12 Queen's Indian: Unusual White 4th moves
Improve Your Chess: Playing Too Fast at Wrong Time
C41 Philidor's Defense
Game Of the Week: GM Yannick Pelletier vs. IM Andreas Hagen - European Champ. 2013
Pelletier, Hagen
E97 King's Indian:Classical Main Line
Attack with LarryC: The Importance of Beating Ernst
Kraemer, Ernst
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf
Ronen through Chess history: The Great Struggle - Part 2
Kramnik, Gelfand, Radjabov, Carlsen
E60, E32 King's Indian: 3.g3, Nimzo-Indian: classical variation
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Same Color Bishop Endings #4
Cuartas, Yermolinsky, Adu
Improve Your Chess: The Better Analyst Wins - Barely
D10 Slav Defence: 3 cxd5 (without early Nf3) and 3 Nc3
Game Of the Week: GM Maxim Rodshtein vs. GM Ian Nepomniachtchi - European Champ. 2013
Rodshtein, Nepomniachtchi
E60 King's Indian: Unusual lines and Fianchetto Variation without Nc3
Ronen through Chess history: The Great Struggle - Part 1
Carlsen, Ivanchuk, Kramnik, Aronian
B48, D42 Sicilian: Taimanov variation, QGD: Semi-Tarrasch, 7.Bd3
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Same Color Bishop Endings #3
Yermolinsky, Bick, Adams
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 9
Anand, WangHao
A34 English: symmetrical variation
Improve Your Chess: Strong Player’s Fast Play Not Punished
B77 Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack, 9Bc4 sideline
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 8
Anand, Hammer
D85 Grünfeld: exchange variation
Game Of the Week: Robson vs. Bryant - U.S. Championship 2013
Robson, Bryant
C45 Scotch game
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 7
Nakamura, Karjakin
B94 Sicilian: Najdorf, 6.Bg5
Attack with LarryC: Larry reports from the US Championship
Christiansen, Holt, Shankland
C00, A28 French: Unusual second move, English opening: Four Knights variation
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 6
Nakamura, Svidler
C44 Ponziani: Leonhardt variation
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 5
Karjakin, Carlsen
C95 Ruy Lopez: closed, Breyer, Borisenko variation
Ronen through Chess history: Ivanchuk vs. Jussupov - 1991 Candidates Match
Ivanchuck, Jussupov
E67 King's Indian: Fianchetto: 6… Nbd7
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 4
Aronian, Karjakin
E15 Queen's Indian: Nimzovich variation (exaggerated fianchetto)
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Same Color Bishop Endings #2
Vaganian, Yermolinsky, Evans, Gonzales
Improve Your Chess: Little Mistakes Add up - Then Subtract
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 3
Anand, Topalov
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf, Byrne (English) attack
Game Of the Week: Li Chao vs. Zhou Weiqi - Chinese Championship
LiChaob, Zhou Weigi
D15 Slav Defence:4 Nc3 a6 and gambit lines after 4Nc3 dxc4
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 2
Carlsen, Anand
B51 Sicilian: Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow)
Norway Chess Tournament - Round 1
Nakamura, WangHao
C42 Petrov: Nimzovich attack
Ronen through Chess history: Jussupov vs. Ivanchuk - 1991 Candidates Match
Jussupov, Ivanchuk
E43 Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein: 4…b6
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Same Color Bishop Endings #1
Tisdall, Yermolinsky, AlModiahki, Ehlvest
Improve Your Chess: Throwing the Kitchen Sink Failed
D43 QGD semi-Slav
Game Of the Week: GM Veselin Topalov vs. GM Peter Leko - FIDE GP Zug
Topalov, Leko
D38 QGD : Ragozin System
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 9
Aronian, Vachier-Lagrave
D90 Grünfeld: modern exchange variation
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 11
Kamsky, Giri, Leko, Kasimdzhanov, Topalov, Karjakin
A30, C84, A62 Réti opening, Ruy Lopez: closed defense, Benoni: fianchetto, 11...Re8
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 8
Vachier-Lagrave, Tiviakov, Kramnik, Gelfand
B12, A33 Caro-Kann: advance variation, English: symmetrical, Geller variation
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 10
Mamedyarov, Nakamura, Karjakin, Kamsky, Caruana, Topalov
D10, D15, B90 QGD Slav defense, QGD Slav: 4.Nc3, Sicilian: Najdorf, Byrne (English) attack
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 7
Anand, Fressinet
C45 Scotch: Potter variation
Ronen through Chess history: Leko vs. Topalov - 2005 World Chess Championship
Leko, Topalov
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 9
Nakamura, Morozevich, Kamsky, Caruana, Radjabov, Ponomariov
E91, C84, D20 Sicilian: Najdorf, Adams attack, Ruy Lopez: closed defense, QGA: 3.e4
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 6
Aronian, Adams
D58 QGD: Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) system
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Heroes of the Candidates #4
Aronian, Kramnik, Carlsen, Gelfand
Improve Your Chess: The mythical Capture with the Least Valuable Piece principle
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 8
Karjakin, Giri, Morozevich, Topalov
E81, A33 King's Indian: Sämisch, 5...O-O, English: symmetrical, Geller variation
Game Of the Week: Gm Peter Svidler vs. GM Pentala Harikrishna
Svidler, Harikrishna
D36 QGD: exchange, positional line, 6.Qc2
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 7
Kamsky, Morozevich, Leko, Mamedyarov
B27, C70 Pterodactyl defense, Ruy Lopez: Cozio defense deferred
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 5
Kramnik, Fressinet
A07 Réti: King's Indian attack (Barcza system)
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 6
Ponomariov, Kamsky, Kasimdzhanov, Nakamura, Caruana, Karjakin
B14, C60, C65 Caro-Kann: Panov-Botvinnik attack, 5...e6, Ruy Lopez: Cozio defense, Ruy Lopez: Berlin defense
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 4
Aronian, Svidler
D90 Grünfeld: modern exchange variation
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 3
Gelfand, Adams
D37 QGD: 4.Nf3
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 5
Kamsky, Radjabov, Caruana, Kasimdzhnov, Topalov, Nakamura, Giri, Morozevich
B30, D31, C84, E65 Sicilian: Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (without ...d6), QGD: Charousek (Petrosian) variation, Ruy Lopez: closed defense, King's Indian: fianchetto, Yugoslav, 7.O-O
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 2
Vachier-Lagrave, Ding
B12 Caro-Kann: advance variation
Ronen through Chess history: Gurevich vs. Short - 1990 Manila Interzonal
Gurevich, Short
C01 French: exchange variation
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 4
Kasimdzhanov, Topalov, Morozevich, Karjakin, Mamedyarov, Caruana, Nakamura, Kamsky
E94, E34, D90, D10 King's Indian: orthodox variation, Nimzo-Indian: classical, Noa variation, Grünfeld: modern exchange variation, QGD Slav defense
Alekhine Memorial 2013 - Round 1
Anand, Adams
C88 Ruy Lopez: closed, anti-Marshall 8.a4
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Heroes of the Candidates #3
Aronian, Gelfand, Kramnik, Svidler Ivanchuk, Carlsen
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 3
Kamsky, Topalov, Karjakin, Ponomariov, Leko, Nakamura
B51, C45, C11 Sicilian: Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow) attack, Scotch: Potter variation
Improve Your Chess: The Great Quiescence Error Game
B51 Sicilian: Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow) attack
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 2
Kasimdzhanov, Kamsky, Topalov, Leko
C03, D38 French: Tarrasch, QGD: Ragozin variation
Game Of the Week: Joel’s tribute to Robert Byrne
Torre, Byrne
A00 Benko 1.g3 f5
FIDE Grand Prix Zug 2013 - Round 1
Leko, Kamsky, Caruana, Radjabov, Karjakin, Nakamura, Morozevich, Kasimdzhanov
C80, C63, C11, A07 Ruy Lopez: open, Bernstein variation, Ruy Lopez: Schliemann defense, French: Steinitz, Boleslavsky variation, Réti: King's Indian attack, Keres variation
Ronen through Chess history: Kramnik vs. Anand - 2008 World Championship
Kramnik, Anand
D49 QGD semi-Slav: Meran, Blumenfeld variation
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Heroes of the Candidates #2
Kramnik, Grischuk, Svidler, Radjabov, Gelfand, Aronian
Improve Your Chess: Teach Me Something About Openings
Game Of the Week: Gm Alexander Morozevich vs. GM Dmitry Jakovenko
Morozevich, Jakvenko
D16 QGD; Slav accepted, Alapin Variation
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Heroes of the Candidates #1
Grischuk, Radjabov, Aronian, Gelfand, Ivanchuk,Carlsen
Improve your Chess: Sharp Line Leads to Dangerous Defense
B21 Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Game Of the Week: GM Peter Svidler vs. GM Alexander Grischuk
Svidler, Grischuk
E81 King's Indian, Sämisch, 5...O-O
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 14
Carlsen, Svidler
C84 Ruy Lopez: closed defense
Ronen through Chess history: Anand vs. Gelfand - 2012 World Championship
Anand, Gelfand
E60 King's Indian defense
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 13
Radjabov, Carlsen
E32 Nimzo-Indian: classical variation
Improve your Chess: 20-minute exercise #5
Kislik, So
D70 Neo-Grünfeld defense
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 12
Aronian, Kramnik
D42 QGD: Semi-Tarrasch, 7.Bd3
Game Of the Week: GM Vladimir Kramnik vs. GM Vassily Ivanchuk
Kramnik, Ivanchuk
E10 Queen's Pawn Game 3.Nf3
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 11
Svidler, Aronian, Kramnik, Radjabov
E26, E60 Nimzo-Indian: Sämisch variation, King's Indian: 3.g3
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 10
Aronian, Ivanchuk
A52 Budapest: Adler variation
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 9
Gelfand, Aronian
D37 QGD: classical variation (5.Bf4)
Ronen through Chess history: Spassky vs. Petrosian - 1969 World Championship
Spassky, Petrossian
B94 Sicilian: Najdorf, 6.Bg5
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 8
Kramnik, Svidler
D85 Grünfeld: modern exchange variation
FIDE Candidates 2013 - GOTD - Round 7
Aronian, Grischuk
E18 Queen's Indian: old main line, 7.Nc3
Improve your Chess: Two 1800s in a See-saw Battle
A13 English opening
Game Of the Week: GM Vladislav Tkachiev vs GM Vladimir Dobrov
Tkachiev, Dobrov
A51 Budapest Gambit declined

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