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Unzicker Player index

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Python Squeeze
Karpov, Unzicker, Andersson
C98 Ruy Lopez Closed Chigorin 12...Nc6
GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd19: Backward Pawns
Unzicker, Taimanov
B58 Sicilian Classical
Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 3 - Petrosian King’s march
Petrosian, Unzicker, Pap, Vuckovic, Stojanovic, Mista, Duda,
D61, C51, C02, B80 QGD: Orthodox defence - Rubinstein variation, Evans Gambit, French: advance variation, Sicilian: Scheveningen
GM Joel’s Need to Know Basics - Video 9
Karpov, Unzicker, Petrosian, Spassky, Kasparov, Shirov, Englisch, Steinitz, Benjamin, Zaichik, Mamedyarov, Gordon
C98, E66, B33, C60, D26, D38 Ruy Lopez: closed - Chigorin - Rauzer attack, King's Indian: Fianchetto - Yugoslav Panno, Sicilian, Ruy Lopez, QGA, QGD Ragozin
GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 6
Karpov, Gligoric, Unzicker, Illescas, Vallejo Pons
C95, C98, A53 Ruy Lopez: closed - Breyer - Simagin variation, Ruy Lopez: closed - Chigorin - Rauzer attack, Old Indian Defense
GM Davorin Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Python Squeeze
Karpov, Unzicker, Andersson
Attack with LarryC: Pirc blowout and a Petrosian king march
Kursunov, Zhumaev, Petrosian, Unzicker, Peters