Looking to schedule some slower time control games the week of March 12-18
Posted: 09 March 2023 08:30 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2022-10-15

Hi all,
I’m looking to schedule some slower time control games as follows.
16:00 UTC Monday, March 13, Tuesday the 14th, or Thursday the 16th: 30/05
23:00 UTC Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday: 30/30 or 45/45 or 60/30

Ideally, players my rating +/- 200 pts. If interested DM or send a friend request.



Posted: 09 March 2023 09:03 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2022-10-15

For some additional context, I have been mostly playing on chess(d0t)com G30 or longer with a rapid rating of around 1500. I am finding it harder to get longer games with an increment, so looking to expand the platforms where I play.

Posted: 11 March 2023 10:27 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2015-06-12


  If you prefer Slow Standard Chess your ICC Membership allows you to Play in the Team 45/45 League!  The only real Standard Team Chess
    Tourney available online!  Please go to the League Website: http://team4545league.org/  to learn more

  and ...

  Play in the ICC Standard Tourney!  It runs on Tuesday’s (1 Round of 60 0 per week)  at 2pm, 8pm, and/or 11pm Eastern (ICC Time = Eastern). 
  This is the Longest Running Standard PRIZE Tourney on the web.  Please see: https://www.chessclub.com/help/STtourney for more info.

  and ...

  We also have the Slow Times Club Sunday Swiss Tournament (45 10 - 1 game per week)  This is a Prize Tourney + a Random Prize winner
    each round.  Please read:  https://www.chessclub.com/help/STC  for more information about the Slow Times Club (STC)

  Hope to see you on ICC!

  ICC Administrator

