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***** LIBRARIES *****

Registered ICC players can have a personal library of up to
400 games.  Libraries are different than your history games.  Your
"history" contains the last 20 games you played, so the games will
disappear as you play more.  Library games won't go away until you
delete them.

The liblist command lists the game in a library.  For example,
"liblist Joe" lists Joe's library.

You can examine library games ("help examine" for info).  For example:

   examine Dlugy %3

will examine Dlugy's library game number 3.  You can also use
"mailstore" and "smoves" with library games.

See "help Cool-Libs" for a list of classic game libraries on ICC!

To put a game into your library from your history list, use the 
"libsave" command.  For example, if your username is "Joe", and you
want to save game 56 from your history as library game 4, do
"libsave Joe 56 %4".  Don't forget the %.  Similarly, you can save
games from other people's history or library into your library.

Even easier than libsave is the libappend command, which puts the
game into the first available space in your library.  For example,
"libappend "Joe 56".  If you want to save your most recent game, do
"libappend -1".  This saves the most recent game in your history
into the first available space in your liblist.

To enter a game into your library that was not played on ICC, match
yourself (which puts you into examine mode), enter the moves, and then
use the "libkeepexam" command described below.  (Blitzin can do
this automatically; see Open PGN on the Game menu.)

In the descriptions below "%nn" indicates a % sign followed by a 
number between 0 through 399.  You can list and update libraries with
the following commands.

     liblist, libsave, libdelete, libannotate, libkeepexam

liblist [player]
   - Show the library list of the specified player.  You, if no
     player is specified.

libsave  %nn
   - Add the a stored game to your library, and give it number %nn.
      can be any of the usual references to stored
     games, e.g. "Fred -1" for Fred's last game.  See "help sposition".

   - Same as "libsave", but you don't even have to specify which library
     game number.  It will be saved in the first available slot in your
     liblist.  For example, "libappend Fred -1".

libdelete %nn
   - Delete  one of your library games.

libannotate %nn 
   - This adds a one-line description of the game in your library listing,
     seen with the "liblist" command.

libkeepexam [whitename blackname outcome %nn]
   - Examples:  "libkeepexam Kasparov Karpov = %7", or just "libkeepexam".
     With no arguments, it puts the game you are currently examining into
     the first available slot in your library, with the player names you
     currently have for white and black, and a * for the result.  With
     arguments, it adds your examined game to your library as %nn.
     The player names are the ones that will be shown by liblist for
     this game.  The outcome is one of "+", "=", "-", and "*", and
     indicates white win, draw, white loss, or still in progress.
     A "*" is prepended to the names shown in liblist to make it
     clear that this game was entered in this way.

See also:  search, examine, history, mailstored, Cool-Libs, result