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Happened Today in the Chess World - May 23, 2024


GM Anatoly Karpov - Photo: B. Baranovsky / Novosti Press

Today is the birthday of former world champion Anatoly Karpov, born in Zlatoust in the Urals on May 23, 1951.
Karpov, world champion from 1975 to 1985 and then for FIDE from 1993 to 1999, needs no further introduction.
From 1974 to 1990, he was always in the world circuit, playing two matches against Korchnoi and even five (one of which was canceled) against Kasparov.
Defeated in the 1992 Candidates' semifinal by Short, he returned as FIDE world champion in 1993 by defeating Timman and retained the title against the much younger Kamsky and Anand. Additionally, he was the European Junior Champion in 1968, the World Under-20 Champion in 1969, a three-time Soviet Champion, and a nine-time Olympic gold medalist (six teams and three individuals).
Initially not very popular in the West, today he is universally recognized as one of the greatest players of all time. Endowed with immense positional talent and excellent tactical vision, Karpov has won a record number of tournaments and an endless series of beauty prizes for the best game.

Karpov (2780) vs. Georgiev (2615) - Tilburg 1994
White to move 


29.Bxf7+! Rxf7 30.Neg5 hxg5 31.Nxg5 Rdf8 32.Re8 Qxd6 33.Qxf7+ Kh8 34.Ne6 1-0

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