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News and Events

Norway Chess 2014

Added on 05.22.2014

From June 3 to 13 one of the strongest tournaments of the year takes place in the Stavenger Region of the north-European country, homeland of the World Champion and Numero Uno, Magnus Carlsen.  The line-up is incredibly strong:  GM Magnus Carlsen     GM Levon Aronian        GM Alexander Grischuk   GM Vladimir Kramnik    GM Fabiano Caruana  GM Veselin Topalov   GM Sergey Karjakin       GM Peter Svidler           GM Anish Giri                GM Simen Agdestein   The event is a 9 rounds,...Full Story

May 2014 SimulMaster

Added on 05.05.2014

Get ready for the GMs! A new series of events for ICC members, with our Grandmasters ready to play you!       Join the events or watch it in our brand new LIVE ICC TV! Enjoy the GMs live commentary as he narrates his ideas and impressions as he plays!   Time control for the Simuls is 60 + 30 and each event will be played by 20 ICCers; Time control for the Banter Blitz is 3 + 2 and will be played by 15...Full Story

U.S. Championship 2014

Added on 05.01.2014

From May 8 to 20,  for the six consecutive year, the US Championship and the US Women Championship take place at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center in Saint Louis.  GM Gata Kamsky defends his title,  while recently anointed Grandmaster Irina Krush looks for her sixth title in the Women Championship. The lineup is quite interesting, with Gata Kamsky, Timur Gareev, Alexander Onischuk, Varuzhan Akobian, Sergey Erenburg, Ray Robson, Sam Shankland, Aleksandr Lenderman, Alejandro Ramirez, Mackenzie...Full Story

Gashimov Memorial

Added on 04.17.2014

Numero Uno strikes. Again and again! And yes, you can lose two games in a row, yet win a 10-rounder super-tournament with a whole point on the second. All you need is to be Magnus Carlsen. The Gashimov Memorial has been a rollercoaster ride, with Magnus' winning the first two rounds, and all of us  already head down, calculating how many wins he needed to break the 2900 barrier. Then, the unthinkable happens: Magnus, after a draw with Karjakin in round 3, loses two games in a row! Caruana and...Full Story

VIVA ICC! VIVA Channel 97!

Added on 04.16.2014

Do you remember our VP Marty Grund's "A call to action"? Marty met Joseph Ocol at the SuperNationals in Nashville, Tennessee, and was struck by the passion and dedication of this humble math teacher, who out of his mere teacher's salary bought food and chess sets to teach chess after school, thus keeping them off the streets during dangerous hours of the day. Joseph's words struck Marty's heart: These kids, all African-Americans, come from the west side of Chicago, whose families are...Full Story

The Queen of Katwe

Added on 04.15.2014

  On Saturday, April 19, Uganda's Junior chess champion Phiona Mutesi and her coach, Robert Katende began a 33 day tour of the US to share her inspiring story of chess, education and faith coming together to create an amazing life transformation. Phiona's story is told in the book "The Queen of Katwe" (Scribner, paperback released October 2013) which will soon be made into a movie by Disney. A young girl in the slums of Kampala was only looking for some food when she followed her brother to...Full Story

April 2014 SimulMaster

Added on 03.31.2014

Get ready for the GMs! A new series of events for ICC members, with our Grandmasters ready to play you!       Join the events or watch it in our brand new LIVE ICC TV! Enjoy the GMs live commentary as he narrates his ideas and impressions as he plays!   Time control for the Simuls is 60 + 30 and each event will be played by 20 ICCers; Time control for the Banter Blitz is 3 + 2 and will be played by 15...Full Story


Added on 02.27.2014

Get ready for the GMs! Starting from March, ICC presents you with a totally renewed Simul system. There will be four major simultaneous exhibitions during the month, with our GM Simul Masters!     Join the simul or watch it in our brand new LIVE ICC TV! Enjoy the GMs live commentary as he narrates his ideas and impressions as he plays!   Time control is 60 + 30 and each event will be played by 25...Full Story

ICC vs. Komodo online voting match!

Added on 02.20.2014

The match was a success! Hundreds of ICCers joined forces to try and defeat the Komodo chess engine.  Unfortunately, Komodo proved too strong for the combined forces of the ICC community and the engine prevailed!    It was great fun nonetheless and GM Alex Yermolinsky joined us and commentated on the game, for the pleasure of our members. var viewer = new CHESS.PgnViewer({ pgn_uri: '', piece_set:...Full Story

FIDE Candidates 2014

Added on 02.11.2014

The Tiger is back! Anand played a great tournament at the Candidates' 2014 in Khanty-Mansiysk, finishing unbeaten at 8.5/14, and he is the Challenger for the next World Chess Championship Match. It will be again a clash of generations, with the 44-years-old Indian and the 23-years-old Norwegian World Champion fighting for the Title. Last year Carlsen won convincingly, but we all know that Anand was thought as the sacrificial lamb, well before the start of the match. Carlsen was the...Full Story

Zurich Chess Challenge 2014

Added on 01.27.2014

The Zurich Challenge 2014  is the first tournament in the history of chess to reach category 23 with an amazing average rating of 2801. The line-up is just impressive: World Champion and Numero Uno Magnus Carlsen; Number Two and recent winner of the Tata Steel Tournament Levon Aronian; U.S. #1 and World #3 Hikaru Nakamura; Italian superstar Fabiano Caruana; Israeli uber-strong GM Boris Gelfand and, last but not least, former World Champion Vishy Anand. It sounds like a dream to have all...Full Story

TATA STEEL 2014. Let’s start Big!

Added on 01.01.2014

Levon Aronian set a statement: I am #2, and I'll challenge Magnus for the World Title! Well, of course he never said that, but his way to play in Wijk aan Zee - despite his loss with Van Wely in last round - seems to strongly affirm his leading position as probable Challenger. Levon played his best chess during the tournament, and won it  with one round to go. In the last round he probably pushed a bit too much; Loek Van Wely didn't falter and won the game. Still, Levon finished 1.5 points...Full Story

London Chess Classic 2013

Added on 12.04.2013

GM Hikaru Nakamura is the KING of London! In a thrilling final, USA numero Uno defeated Israeli GM Boris Gelfand, conquering the title. By GM Ben Finegold   The London Chess Classic changed its format this year, from a normal round-robin tournament to a 16 player event, with four sections of four players each, followed by elimination matches.  Oh, and yes, the time control changed from slow chess to g/25 (with a 10 second increment). Rapid play is quite popular with many of the world's...Full Story

World Chess Championship 2013

Added on 10.29.2013

HABEMUS MAGNUS! The World Championship Match in Chennai is over. The young Norwegian is the new  World ChessChampion. A new era is dawning, with a bunch of young men who are taking over the top of the world. "I am very thankful to you all for how I have been treated in India, and I am sorry for the outcome of this match".This is the beauty of young age, politeness and awareness. Magnus Carlsen, not yet 23, is the new chess World Champion. He outclassed the strong Indian GM Vishy Anand...Full Story

8th Transatlantic Cup

Added on 10.25.2013

The eight international match between The University of Texas at Dallas in the United States and the University of Belgrade in Serbia takes place Friday, 1st November 2013. This match represents the merging of modern technology, ancient strategies, diverse cultural heritages, and the meeting of some of the finest young academic chess-minds of their generation. The 16-board match, featuring many young masters, has become something of a tradition here on ICC, and will again be broadcast live...Full Story

Masters Final in Bilbao 2013

Added on 10.05.2013

From October 7 to 12 in Bilbao, Spain, Levon Aronian, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, and Michael Adams played the Masters Final. The tournament venue is the “Mercado del Ensanche” of Bilbao. The tournament format is a Double Round Robin (6 Rounds). Sofia rules and Bilbao rules apply: according to these rules, the players can only agree on a draw under the supervision of the arbiter and a commitee of great masters; with the points of each game being scored the same as...Full Story

King Tournament, 7th Edition

Added on 10.04.2013

The Kings tournament is back this year! The Bucharest University of Economic Studies is the venue that will see 5 strong grandmaster fight over the board for the title of the 7th edition of the Kings Tournament, from October the 6th to October the 14th. The tournament has got a history of important players participating and winning, in the past 6 editions. Last two editions were won by World numero Uno Magnus Carlsen. This year, with Carlsen preparing for the approaching World Championship...Full Story

FIDE Grand Prix Paris

Added on 09.16.2013

The last tournament of the FIDE Grand Prix 2012-2013 took place in Paris, France, from September 22 to October 4. Caruana and Gelfand shared first. Crosstable. It's tough for Caruana to accept this result. He shares first with Gelfand, but this wonderful result is not enough for him to qualify for the 2014 Candidates Tournament. Fabiano needed to win the 6th stage of the FIDE Grand Prix clear first, to grab the 170 points at stake and overtake Mamedyarov in second place in the overall GP...Full Story

Sinquefield Cup! Numero Uno Magnus Carlsen wins.

Added on 09.06.2013

From September the 9th to the 15th, in S. Louis Missouri, at the amazing Schess Club and Scholastic Center, the two strongest players in the World have joined the two strongest American players, for a fantastic Double Round robin tournament.  The combatants: Numero Uno Magnus Carlsen from Norway; Armenian super-strong and number two Levon Aronian;   Hikaru the bomb Nakamura, the strongest American player and ICC hero;  Gata Kamsky, number two in the...Full Story

Chess World Cup 2013

Added on 08.08.2013

There can be only one! And this time it won't be Connor Macleod, but one of 128 strong participants to the 2013 World Cup in Tromso, Norway, from August the 11th to September the 13th. Ding Liren is the only player among the first 30 (excluding the two knights that will battle for the Title in November) who will miss this super-strong Ko event. Congratulations to Vladimir Kramnik! Game Of the...Full Story

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