Added on 1/24/2022
In this video recap, GM Joel covers rounds 5 thru 8 of the Tata Steel Masters 2022. So far, it's been a pretty good tournament with many exciting games. There's been a lot of action to bring to you in this video, but the thing is always the same: when Magnus Carlsen is playing in a tournament, it's impossible not to start from what he does. Magnus missed an excellent opportunity in round five against Grandelius, settling for a draw. Still, he struck with all his mighty power against Rapport and Praggnanandha, getting 3 points out of 4. Meanwhile, Mamedyarov, the event veteran, obtained the same results as Carlsen, with two draws and two wins. The two super-GMs, after eight rounds, are in the lead now, with 5.5 points. The early leader Vidit from India lost to Van Foreest in round 7 but bounced back in round 8, defeating Grandelius. There has been a forfeit in round 7 due to COVID-related problems. Dubov didn't show up, and Giri got the whole point without making a single move. In round 8, Giri defeated Esipenko playing brilliant chess to join Vidit in second place. Five rounds to go, and this year's Tata Steel promises to be super-exciting until the very last game! You can download the PGN file with the games HERE