Correspondence chess

If you enjoy correspondence, we've got a treat for you!

To get started playing correspondence chess on ICC, read the Correspondence help file.

Quick reference guide:
cc-start-as-white <player>
Example: cc-start-as-white Bob
  • Creates a correspondence game between you (as White) and the specified registered ICC member, who need not be present. This command also sends that player a message. You can then go ahead and make the first move with the cc-move command. Note that in correspondence chess tournaments, the tournament director will start your game for you, so you needn't use this command. You do "set ccopen 0" to avoid having random people start correspondence games with you. (The default is 1 for registered ICC members.)
  • cc-start-as-black <player>
    Same as above but starts a game with you playing Black.
    Lists your correspondence games, with a summary of the state of each one. (Admins can do cc-list <player>)
    cc-move #<num> <move>
    Example: cc-move #3 e4
  • Play a move in a game # on your cc-list. Actually this command will display the position after the move, and ask you if you are sure you want to play it, to which you should respond "yes" or "no". Making the move also results in a message being sent.
  • cc-delete #<num>
    Example: cc-delete #5
  • Deletes a completed or aborted game from your cc-list. You can only have 50 games in your cc-list. You can save the game to your library before deleting it, using the libsave command described in help libraries.
  • cc-ask-director #<num> <message>
    Example: cc-ask-director #5 I claim a time forfeit.
  • This sends a message to the tournament director for that game, or to "adjudicate" if there is no TD. Use this instead of "message adjudicate", because even admins can't easily access your correspondence games. In general, we do NOT adjudicate correspondence games except in cases of time forfeits in a tournament with a time control. Or in the case of an expired account.

  • See Also: