Added on 9/5/2014

Get ready for the GMs! A new series of events for ICC members, with our Grandmasters ready to play you!



Join the events or watch it in our brand new LIVE ICC TV! Enjoy the GM's live commentary as he or she narrates his ideas and impressions as he plays!  

Time control for the Simuls is 60 + 30 and each event will be played by 20 ICCers; Time control for the Banter Blitz is 3 + 2 and will be played by 15 ICCers.


September 2014    Wednesday 10th, 4pm ICC time GM Maxim Dlugy   Summary Max lost ONE game last time, and he's not happy about that! Get ready for another beating, guys! He will TEASE you while you struggle playing Blitz against our 3100+ rated GM.       Sunday 14th, 2pm ICC time

GM John Fedorowicz Score: +12 =4 -4 Games: Download PGN  



  John played his monthly Simul pretty well, against a tought bunch of oppoents. Our GM lost only 4 games, against TALEKHIN, xionoula, Zebbile and Lithos. Kudos to the ones who mastered the Master!   Thursday 25th, 1pm ICC time

GM Ronen Har-Zvi

Score: +15 =0 -0 Games: Download PGN

  Nobody was able to stop the "Ronen Express", as our GM finished his Blitz session with a perfect score again!  Ronen had a relaxed session, chatting with his opponents and in channel 3, yet playing well and precise. He is a strong blitz player (remember DosHermanas, where he reached the final?), and it won't be easy for anyone to beat him. Ready to take up on the challenge?   Tuesday 30th, 2pm ICC time

GM David Smerdon  Score: +13 =1 -1 Games: Download PGN  



  It's been a very interesting session, with our GM David Smerdon. David managed to win 13 games, lose 1 and draw 1 - in a particularly dramatic struggle, by getting stalemated! muhit played a very good game, mastering the Master. Kudos! A special mention goes to prowhite, who has the Master, and only the GM's experience allowed David to force stalemate. David was very entertaining, providing a lot of information and telling stores during the games... even calling himself names when he missed a move!           

Instructions to participate


Join the simul channel (ch 3). In the chat area (console) just type: /+channel 3 Once the simul is open, type: /tell simulbot join

ICC for Mac/windows users

Go the the Channel list button upper right-hand corner, and add the “Simul” Go to menu item VIEW->CONSOLE and type: /tell simulbot join

For the Blitz Banter sessions, you need to type in your console: /match <gmname> 3 2 u -- for example: /match LarryC 3 2 u. An admin will announce in channel 3 when you can match the GM. The system used in this case is first in-first served: the first 15 players to match the GM will play him.

The events will be streamed LIVE on ICC chess TV! You will be able to see the Grandmaster playing the event, and listen to his comments DURING the play! Don't expect the GMs to tell you your next winning move, though.  Stay tuned, and enjoy!