Every Russian Schoolboy Knows

Revolution Revisited - Part 6: Neo-Scheveningen

Not sure I'm completely OK with the title Kasparov gives to this chapter. To me, Scheveningen without ...a7-a6 is rather old, as it was played in the 1960's and 70's by Korchnoi and then replaced by Kasparov's own Najdorf move order, designed to play ...e7-e6 later. Garry choose that move order for the specific reason of avoiding the dreadful Keres Attack 6.g2-g4! Myself, I had a tough time defending against it, while relying on 6...h6, which long has been Black's main reply. Perhaps, it is time for a different approach. This video deals with a more resolute plan with 6...e5!? Some kind of a Sveshnikov Delayed? Can Black make it work?

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