Every Russian Schoolboy Knows

Same Color Bishops Endings #2

With this new series GM Yermolinsky, following the videos dedicated to the heroes of the FIDE candidates Tourney in London 2012, is back to the endgames studies. Through 3 of his own games, he shows how to maneuver in endgames where both players have Bishop of the same color. 'Yermo' has already had a series on this subject, but as he explains at the beginning of the video, there are unanswered questions:

  • should the distant passed pawn be supported by the king?
  • should your pawns ever go on the squares of the color of the bishops?
  • can you win 4 pawns against 3 on the same side of the board?

Every russian School boy should know that... calculation is the master word! Enjoy these new videos... And learn from watching!

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