Dan Heisman's Improve Your Chess
Dan Heisman's Highly Instructive Games: Bernstein-Meises 1904

NM Dan Heisman selects for you highly instructive games, that will help you improve your game! In this new series, Dan analyzes famous and not-so-famous games that he thinks will give you a tool to get to the next level.

Today's show: Meises plays the interesting Four Knights Variation of the Sicilian but he plays a line now considered dubious. Bernstein obtains first the bishop pair but then bind on the dark squares (hence Chernev's title "That Old Black Magic"). White instructively invades and blockades the dark squares, forcing Black into first passivity, and then slowly losing material. Bernstein finally allows a trade into a bishop of opposite color endgame, but one that is easily won.

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