Dan Heisman's Improve Your Chess
Capablanca-Dake 1931

In his new series on endgames, NM Heisman selects GM/master games that are decided in the endgame, showing the entire game but concentrating on the endgame play. The idea is to present practical, instructive endgames of all types, not just "theoretical" positions or difficult wins, although any type of endgame may be included. These videos are aimed at players with USCF/FIDE ratings in the range of 1100-1900; however, players outside that range may benefit as well.

Today's show: Dake blunders a piece in the opening and Capablanca misses it (but then engines are so go...). After a relatively equal middlegame, Capablanca erroneously goes into a lost endgame! Dake then misses a couple of winning lines and instead ends up in a drawn position. To compound his woes, Dake then also misses the drawing opportunity and gives Capa a winning line, which Capablanca finds. All-in-all, a very unexpectedly uneven game full of instructive errors.

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