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Improve Your Chess: Highly Instructive Games - Grigoriev-Alekhine 1915

Opening: :

Player(s): Alekhine, Grigoriev

In a complicated opening, Alekhine equalizes but then blunders into a losing combination. Grigoriev misses the win and instead blunders himself into a devastating attack which quickly yields Alekhine the win. However, years later Alekhine claims a "5-queen" game where he was White and the game deviated from the actual Grigoriev game into a fantastic variation.  History claims that Alekhine fabricated the 5-queen game from his actual game with Grigoriev. To add some spice, I have included some modern Stockfish notes. Thanks to Tim Krabbe's book and website "Chess Curiosities" for providing historical perspective.

Teacher's library (484) Alekhine Grigoriev game analysis

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