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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - Benoni Part 3

Opening: A70, E10: Benoni Classical with e4 and Nf3, Queen's Pawn Game 3.Nf3

Player(s): Friedel, Sharma, Yermolinsky

Even when I reached my peak rating in the mid-1990 I still struggled with finding a suitable line to combat the Modern Benoni. I had tried many variations, but could never settle on one. As a result, I had to start many games with 1.Nf3 when there was an even remote possibility present that my opponent might try the Benoni. Obviously, that represented a major hole on my opening repertoire. Finally, toward the arrival of a new millennium, I got inspired by the efforts of Mr.6 -Time US Champion Walter Browne, who successfully employed the system with Bd3 and h2-h3, where the knight stays on f3. Perhaps, it was a bit contradictory to the common wisdom that the knight has to be headed to c4, but to my contrarian mind, it was rather an attraction than a drawback. This series of videos shows a lot of games where Black was able to achieve the important pawn advance, b7-b5, without meeting any resistance from White. Yet, Walter, and myself, later on, were not fazed by it. White has certain methods of stopping Black's play, thanks to solid protection provided to the e4-pawn. The e4-e5 break is always in the air, and often White doesn't mind taking it to the endgame. This system suited my chess personality well, and I enjoyed great success with it. Study the games, and I hope you will like it too. You can download the games in PGN format HERE

Teacher's library (718) A70 E10 Friedel Sharma Yermolinsky opening

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