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GM Yermolinsky -  Queen and Rook Endgame - Video 4

Opening: D51, D38, B22: QGD; 4.Bg5 Nbd7, QGD; 4.Nf3 Be7 5.Bf4 (Harrwitz Attack), Sicilian; Alapin Variation

Player(s): Alekhine, Capablanca, Radjabov, So, Nakamura, Carlsen

The study begins with classical examples presented in the first batch of videos. First it's the game that gave the challenger Carl Schlechter the lead in the short format World Championship match with Emmanuel Lasker. It's remarkable how Lasker, who obviously played for a win, underestimated the danger to his king. Then we move on to studying games between Capablanca and Alekhine in Buenos Aires 1927. I might say that the outcome of this titanic battle was decided in those type of position. Alekhine was just much better in handling this material configuration, mostly due to his calculating skills. We can see how  Capablanca's relative lack of precision in execution was punished, despite him being on the right track with his ideas. A few factors come into play when it comes to Q+R positions. Firstly, it's the safety of the king. A great firepower possessed by major pieces makes sudden attacks possible ( and deadly) at any moment. Secondly, both players must constantly consider possible transitions to queen and rook endings. The ability to correctly evaluate them is the key to success. This is where your endgame knowledge is essential.

Teacher's library (718) D51 D38 B22 Alekhine Capablanca Radjabov So Nakamura Carlsen endgame

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