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GM Petrov’s Sicilian Dragon - Video 6 - White plays an early g4

Opening: B76: Sicilian dragon: Yugoslav attack - 7...0-0


In the 6th installment of his fantastic series on the Sicilian Dragon, GM Marian Petrov analyzes another famous line, that arises after the initial "canonic" moves of the Dragon, with White castling Kingside and then playing an early g4. There are two good options for Black. Nd4 could lead to a favorable line, as we have seen in the previous chapter, but White has some other options to get a better game. A more popular line is Be6. Black could lose the pair of bishops but will improve his center, and the King will have an easier escape route. Another great piece of theory on this amazing and elegant defense explained with the usual straightforward style by GM Marian!

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