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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd9: The Dutch Defense

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In this video, we will see the ideas for both players in the Dutch defense. There are a few main variations depending on the pawn structure. In the stonewall, which is probably the most recognizable, black has a solid game in the center, but his bishop is passive. In this case, white is trying to exploit the e5 outpost with his knights and often wants to trade the dark square bishops. Once black jumps Ne4, white is preparing f3 and then e4. Sometimes black can delay d5 and first develop his bishop. Then he can try plans with d6 and Nc6 or even with b6 Bb7 to get control over e4. In the Leningrad line with g6, black has a more fluid game as it looks a bit like the King's Indian, but he already has played f5. The main idea is to prepare e5. White often goes d5 to stop it. Another idea is to prepare quickly e4 and then press on the e f-file.

Teacher's library (147) midgame

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