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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd7: Doubled Pawns

Opening: C62: Ruy Lopez: Old Steinitz Defence

Player(s): Reti, Spielmann

In this video, we will look at some strategies on how to play with double pawns.
Many people are afraid to allow them because they think those pawns are always weak. But if you know how to use them, it could help you in many difficult situations.
First of all, when you need to double pawns, and you have a choice on how to take, always think. For example, taking on g3 or b3 should be with the rook pawns a or h unless there is not something concrete to open the f or the c file in your favor. To have a good endgame, the pawns should take towards the center.
Also, you should have a pawn on one of the next files to support and defend them. If you leave isolated double pawns, they will be lost. Doubling the pawns also creates open files which you can use to attack with your rooks.

Teacher's library (147) C62 Reti Spielmann midgame

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