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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd3: KID Structures

Opening: E60: King's Indian Defense


This video will show one of the most popular openings against 1.d4: the Kings Indian Defence.
In this opening, Black gives in the beginning complete control in the center to the white pawns, but then he goes for a quick counterplay.
There are many different lines, but the most important ones to learn are when White closes the center with d5. It depends if it is before Nc6 or after, as this will determine what the plan for Black will be.
If the knight can go to c6 and then e7, Black should prepare quickly f5. If he is still not developed, Black should try to gain control and create an outpost c5 with the help of move a5.
Most of the time, White plans to prepare b4 and c5, and he is playing on the Queenside.

Teacher's library (147) E60 midgame

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