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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd2: Pirc Structures

Opening: B08: Pirc: classical system - 5.Be2


This video will show one of the most common structures after 1 e4 when black prepares e5 with d6. It usually comes from the Pirc defense, but also, the Philidor has similar ideas. When black starts with 1...g6, he is a bit more flexible, but the main idea is to prepare e5 later. White has different plans, but the most common is that he has pawns in e4 and d4. Then he can vary with the minor pieces, and also, he can try to bring the f pawn to help for the fight in the center with f4 or with f3 to try to create an attack later with g4 and h4. From black's point of view, it is crucial where the knight will be; from d7, he often moves later to c5 and even e6 and d4. When on c6, he can try with Bg4 and e5 to jump directly on d4, but white can attack him with d5 in advance. Then there are some details as if black inserts a6 and white go a4; the knight, when attacked, can go to b4. Overall, white has to either wait in the center to keep the tension or trade dxe5 which fixes the pawn center and then the plans are more straightforward. Then white often want to control the c4 and bring the knight there if black has played c6 so the knight can try to jump to d6. Usually, to close with d5 is not a good idea.

Teacher's library (147) B08 midgame

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