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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd18: Playing against Hanging Pawns

Opening: E42: Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 c5 5.Ne2 (Rubinstein)

Player(s): Alzate, Jussupow

In this video, we will continue the topic from the last one, but now we will see how to play against the hanging pawns. There are a few critical things which you should try to do. To ensure the king's safety first and then fight with those pawns. Ideally, you want to trade a few minor pieces off so that your opponent doesn't have any chance to attack. Then you have to block the pawns so they can not be pushed forward. This strategy will force the other side to defend the pawns; from here, you have to keep improving and put pressure on those pawns. Sometimes you can also try to trade one of the pawns and leave a weak pawn.

Teacher's library (147) E42 Alzate Jussupow midgame

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