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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd17: Hanging Pawns

Opening: D41: QGD; Semi-Tarrasch 5.cxd5

Player(s): Razuvaev, Farago

In this video, we will see another important topic: how to play with hanging pawns.
The most common situation is when you have such pawns in the center on the "c" and 2"d" files.
Those pawns are good when they are next to each other as they defend all the squares in front of them, and each can be pushed at the right moment.
You have to play active and look for an attack; otherwise, your opponent, at some point, will start to attack your pawns.
Often there is a pawn sac with d4 or d5, and then you can open some diagonals and files to take the initiative.

Teacher's library (147) D41 Razuvaev Farago game analysis

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