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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd13: French - Advanced

Opening: C02: French: Advance Variation

Player(s): Lahlum, Petrov

This video will see one of the most essential pawn structures where we have a closed center. Usually, you get this from the French advanced line with e5, but it can occur in many other positions. The plan for black is to try to attack the center of the white with c5 or f6 at some point. Black sometimes tries to trade his bad bishop with Ba6 or Bb5 ideas. Usually, his knight should go to f5 to press the d4 pawn. As for white, ideally, he wants to prepare f4 and f5, but there is not much time unless black closes the game with some c4 ideas. It's vital to protect the center, although there are some ideas to sac the d pawn. Usually, the bishop is powerful if it can go to d3 as then there are some plans to attack h7. Sometimes white is happy to trade his central pawns if he can bring on their place his knights.

Teacher's library (147) C02 Lahlum Petrov midgame

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