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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd1: Sicilian Structures

Opening: B85: Sicilian Scheveningen Classical Variation with ...Qc7 and ...Nc6


This video will see one of the most popular pawn structures, which usually comes from the Sicilian. Of course, there are many different lines and ideas from black in this opening, so we will mainly discuss the Najdorf. Here white has many lines but speaking about the pawns, we can divide them into lines where the white goes for the f4 move or for the setup with f3, g4, and h4. Basically, with all the options Be2, Be3, Bg5, or Bc4, white could go f4. f3 makes sense only in the English attack with Be3 or in the Dragon, where the bishop is also on e3. Black has to decide mainly about the "e" pawn. After Bg5 and Bc4, he has to go e6. In the other lines, he can also play e5. The most common setup for black is Be7, Qc7 0-0 Nbd7 b5, and Bb7. It works almost everywhere. White, when he goes for f4, looks later for either e5 or f5 breaks, and in general, he has to attack the kingside.

Teacher's library (147) B85 midgame

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