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GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Introduction

Opening: :


We will learn many important things about finding a good plan in the middle game in this new course. This is one of the biggest problems of many players. The plans often are defined from the pawn structure. That's why it is essential to know them and develop and set up your pieces depending on the pawns. We will go over the most common openings and the best plans in all of them. The idea is not to learn some long lines but simply to know what to do in general. The positions with the closed center with white pawns d4 and e5 or with e4 and d5 are part of this. Then it will be Sicilian and Italian and many other popular openings. Also, we will learn how to play with or against isolated pawns, hanging pawns, doubled pawns, and backward pawns. How to create and use an outpost and open file and many other valuable tools that will help us improve our understanding of the game.

Teacher's library (147) midgame

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