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GM Petrov’s Master the Modern Opening for black - Video 1

Opening: :


In this video, GM Petrov shows you his plan against the move order with Nf3 and g3, where white usually want to go to the English opening. It is very unpleasant for white is if black starts with g6 and Bg7 because now white has to decide: whether to stop e5 with d4. Most d4 players start with d4; therefore, we can assume white does not want to go the main lines if he didn't play it. If white still goes d5 after black goes c5 again, white has to decide. The main lines in the Benoni or c4, hoping to transpose to the English. If c4, black takes and goes Nc6. Now white has to lose time to move the knight (another advantage that Nf6 is skipped), and then black goes quickly d6, Be6, and Qd7. The c4 pawn is in danger, and black can think about Bh3 and h5 attacking. If white allows e5, it goes to some reverted Pirc, which already is OK for black: even if white has an extra move, the game is equal. Black goes with d5 and Nge7, and after this, depending on if white goes for c4 or e4, black chooses between c6 or Nbc6, with a good game.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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