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GM Petrov’s Complete Caro-Kann - Video 9

Opening: : Caro-Kann


In this video, we will see one of the main lines where instead of 4...Bf5 black goes Nd7 with the idea Ngf6 next and to be able to take back with the knight if white trades on f6. White has many options, including the trap Qe2 with the idea Nd6 mate!, but the most natural moves are Bc4 or Nf3 in both move orders. In this case, black is happy if he trades one knight and then develops Bf5, followed by e6 Bd6 and Qc7. Here the game is equal. White's best hope for advantage is with 4 Ng5, where he meets h6 with Ne6. After black goes 4...Ngf6 white can play 5.Bc4 and after e6 Qe2 with idea Nf7. After Nb6, both Bd3 and Bb3 lead to complicated positions. If 5.Bd3, then the plan is different, and it is Qe2 h6 Ne4, and later we arrive at the very famous idea of Karpov: Ke7. Overall, Nd7 is more complicated than Bf5, and black prevents the ideas from the other line with h4 and g4.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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