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GM Petrov’s Complete Caro-Kann - Video 7

Opening: : Caro-Kann


In this video, we will see the mainline after 3 e5 ...Bf5. Here white has many options, some positional, others very sharp. 4 Nf3 could lead to a slow positional game if black develops slowly and maneuvers with his knights. But if he goes early c5, the center could open, and the game becomes sharp. Another popular line is 4 Nc3, and the idea is to meet e6 with g4 and later h4. There are plenty of sharp deviations here, so one has to be prepared well with both colors. White can also start with 4 h4 with the idea to trap the bishop, and then, depending on what black does, it could be g4 or c4. White has more solid plans without the need to push the pawns with c4 or Bd3 and then develop and castle short.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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