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GM Petrov’s Complete Caro-Kann - Video 6

Opening: : Caro-Kann


In this video, we will see one of the main lines where the white goes for 3.e5 and black reply 3...c5.
The ideas for black are to play like in the French; he is losing one tempo but can develop the infamous french bishop outside the pawn chain.
If white plays safe like 3.c3 and allows that the game is equal. So white can try either 3dxc5, the mainline, or 3.c4.
After dxc5, black has two lines with 3...e6 or Nc6. In general, white has to decide if he wants to keep the pawn or simply develop.
There are some tricky lines with Be3 and Bd4, but black has a good plan involving at some point b6 with reasonable compensation.
White can play 4.a3 and then with Qg4 to create a quick attack against the king.
There are some sharp lines in the lines with 3 c4, but black has options to move quickly into endgame by trading the queens early.
In all the lines, the game is complicated, and there is a lot of maneuvering.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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