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GM Petrov’s Complete Caro-Kann - Video 4

Opening: B14: Caro–Kann; Panov–Botvinnik Attack 5...e6


In this video, we will see one of the main lines, where white takes exd5 and then goes c4. The line is known as a Panov attack. Black has a choice in this system between lines with e6 and Be7. Here often arises position with isolated pawn where white has more active play, but black is solid. Black also can try to go Bg4 in case white plays Nf3 early. Here white has a sharp line with Qb3, but after Bf3 and e6, more or less white is forced to go to an equal endgame. The alternative is simply to develop Be3 and castle, but black is fine. If white wants to avoid this line, he can try Bg5, and if e6, he transposes to the lines with e6. But black could also take dxc4 with some interesting lines for both.

Teacher's library (147) B14 opening

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